Dental Implants - City Oasis Dental

Dental Procedures Explained - Dental Implants

A dental implant is a surgical component that interfaces with the bone of the jaw or skull to support a dental prosthesis such as a crown, bridge, denture, or even to act as an orthodontic anchor. A process called osseointergration takes place where the implant forms intimate bond with the bone over the course of few months after initial implant placement. Typically dental implants are made of titanium because it is the most biologically compatible material.

Success of implants depends on a variety of factors. Such as, the health of the person receiving the implant, drugs that can potentially impact the osseointergration process and the general health of the hard and soft tissues in the mouth, amount of stress that will be put on the implant during normal function and parafunctional habit (such as night time bruxism). Therefore, the planning of proper position and number of implants required to minimize the potential stress factors causing implant failure is the key to long-term health and success.

The quality and quantity of the bone is very important and can be determined by using computed tomography (CT) imaging and standard radiographs (such as panoramic or periapical radiographs). Since the prerequisites of implant success is healthy bone and gingiva, sometimes pre-prosthetic procedures such as bone grafting, sinus lift and gingival grafts may be required to recreate the ideal bone and gingiva required for long term success.

For more information, please see the attached PDF files or ask Dr. Jennifer when you come in for a consultation.

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