Dental Articles - Toronto

Dr Jennifer Lai Graduates from the Kois Institute

Congratulations to Dr. Jennifer Lai, our incredible member at City Oasis Dental! Her dedication and hard work have paid off with her graduation from Kois Institute.

Dr Jennifer Lai Graduates from the Kois Institute

We are so proud to announce that after 4+ years of dedication and effort Dr. Jennifer Lai has graduated from the Kois Institute, . The Kois Institute is recognized internationally as the pre-eminent forum for Practicing Dentists to further develop their dental knowledge, abilities, and techniques in a manner that provide the outmost comprehensive treatment recommendation based on individualized risk assessment. It is truly a commitment to care and excellence.

More than anything Kois Institute Graduates is passionate about Dentistry and helping people. These unique Dentists sacrifice a lot by having to spend significant time away from family, time away from their business', and Patients, not to mention a substantial financial investment to complete the curriculum. Kois Graduates do not strive to be a good Dentist, but strive to be an exceptional Dentist.

Are all Dentists created Equal?

Dentists who graduate from North American Dental Schools are essentially created equal. They receive similar education and are taught the fundamental skills required to Practice Dentistry effectively. It is what Dentists do following graduation that will determine the “type” of Dentistry and quality of the service there are capable of offering through their career.

Many dentists choose to provide good dental care that is satisfactory and meets the standard for serviceable dentistry. Another group will develop more skills to become better than average. Finally, there is a small group who choose a long, difficult journey to become the best they can be, to practice dentistry at the top level. These dentists commit to excellence. Dr. Mike Palmer, DDS Florence KY, USA

We would like to CONGRATULATE Dr. Jennifer Lai on Graduating from the Kois Institute in the fall of 2018. However, her work is not complete. Dr Jen will continue to attend the Kois Institute annually to be aware of advancements in her industry and work towards becoming a Mentor to further serve the advancement of dental industry and continuing strive to achieve excellence.

Dentist Toronto
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