Dental Articles - Toronto
What To Expect When Getting Your Invisalign?
Posted by City Oasis Dental on Thu, 14 Apr 2016
Here we discuss about the things that can expect after invisalign which give you a beautiful smile easily and discreetly.

Invisalign is an orthodontic straightening system that does not have the stereotypical esthetic concerns associated with traditional braces. Instead, the treatment uses a series of clear, plastic, custom-made aligners that are worn minimum 22-hours a day and changed every two weeks. These aligners are personalised to fit your individual treatment plan, giving you a beautiful smile easily and discreetly.
What to Expect
Step 1: An exam in the dental office
When beginning your Invisalign treatment, you will start by getting your teeth examined by your dentist in order to determine whether or not you are a suitable candidate. Remember that Invisalign can be used by teens and adults, but not children with remaining baby teeth or developing adult teeth.
Step 2: Dental Records
If your dentist finds you to be a good candidate for Invisalign, they will proceed to take the necessary records, including dental impressions of your teeth, photos of your teeth and face, and x-rays, all of which are sent (together with detailed instructions on how you want your teeth adjusted) to a lab with Invisalign software.
The impressions are scanned to produce a 3D model of your teeth in the computer, which the technicians can use to create the trays which will move the teeth progressively to their intended positions. The software makes it possible to predict how your teeth will change over time once you start using the Invisalign system, and you can even see how they’ll look weeks into, months into, and at the end of your treatment.
Afterwards, the trays are fabricated and sent to your dental office. It takes about 4 weeks from taking the impressions to getting the trays ready.
Step 3: Straightening your Teeth
With Invisalign, you are required to wear a set of aligners (Invisalign trays) for two weeks at a time. Each of these trays is designed so your teeth are slightly straighter than with the previous tray (typically moving 0.1mm per tray). The trays apply pressure on your teeth so that by the end of the two weeks, your teeth will have moved slightly to match the tray. Because of this, you should expect some discomfort for the first few days every time you get a new set of aligners.
You will need to wear your aligners for a minimum of 20-22 hours a day; all day with the exception of eating and drinking anything other than water and brushing. Like any other intra-oral appliances, aligners can increase your risk of getting cavities. Therefore, keeping it clean is the key. It normally take a few days to adjust to speaking with your aligners, but you can continue to eat and drink nearly everything that you used to when you remove the trays.
Every six weeks you will have to visit your dentist as part of your treatment, and each visit you should be supplied with 3 aligners sets.
Step 4: Post Invisalign
After the completion of your Invisalign treatment, you won’t have to wear aligners any more. However, since there is a natural risk of your teeth reverting to previous alignments, your dentist will likely recommend that you wear a retainer. You can opt for clear plastic retainers that resemble the Invisalign trays, or a fixed (permanent) retainer bonded on the inside of your lower front 6 teeth.
With the removable retainer, you will at first wear the retainer full time for minimum of 6 months (preferably one year) , then only while sleeping.
After your treatment, you may notice slight change to your facial structure. The change is only positive, as your teeth will have adjusted to support your jaw, palate, face, lips, and cheeks in a proper way to give you a straight, healthy smile that enhances and complements your entire face.
Invisalign is a great clear alternative to traditional braces, so come to City Oasis Dental and have your consultation today.
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