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Alzheimer's, Oral Health and The Mouth to Brain Connection

Did you know that there is a strong connection between oral health and Alzheimer's disease? Learn more about the link and what to do to keep your mouth healthy!

Alzheimer's, Oral Health and The Mouth to Brain Connection

The more research we do, the more the link between oral health and disease becomes clear. One of the latest associations our work has uncovered is between Alzheimer’s and your dental well being . What makes these findings even more relevant is they come from a variety of different locations.

For example, The University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) School of Medicine and Dentistry in England has made a connection between dementia and poor dental health.

Researchers found bacteria associated with gum disease can be passed into the bloodstream through everyday routines like brushing your teeth. When the brain gets repeated exposure to these germs, responses are triggered that can kill brain cells.

The Bottom Line: Healthy Teeth and Gums

The bottom line here is you need to do everything possible to prevent gum disease. That generally starts with an excellent oral hygiene routine and regular checkups. At Toronto's City Oasis Dental, we take care of your mouth and teeth. However, we are also top-notch health care educators who pass along the most current information and trends in healthcare for your added benefit.

Our main focus is helping you maintain healthy teeth and gums. Our philosophy is you never start too young. That’s why we offer top-notch dental services for people of every age.

After all, there is an irrefutable mouth to brain connection when it comes to your overall health. Here’s some more credible science that found the toxin in gum disease in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. The BBC article also mentioned other studies including one from Taiwan with the same conclusions.

Alzheimer’s and Dental Health

This research also brings up some other important points about the relationship between Alzheimer’s and dental health. For example, in the early stages of the disease all dental care should focus on prevention.

A series of regular checkups as well as flossing and professional cleaning is important when someone is first diagnosed. That’s the best way to avoid more extensive treatments later when an Alzheimer’s patient grows more anxious.

Providing oral hygiene help to someone with dementia is easier when you follow certain tips.

Just telling someone to brush their teeth when they have Alzheimer’s might be too much information. It’s better to break everything down to steps. Tell the person how to get through the process in small chunks.

Start be asking tell them to hold their toothbrush. Then you might tell them to put toothpaste on and finally to brush their teeth.

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